Bargaining Update – #24

Since our communication with the employer on Monday March 13, 2023, your Bargaining Committee has had NO further communication with the employer.

The spokesperson for the employer who advised the CBC reported was 100% incorrect and we will be contacting the CBC reported to properly correct this matter.

There have been a few questions on why we have not shared the “Final Offer” made by the employer with members.

In the past, your committee has brought back offers from the employer when a vote was requested. In the last round of bargaining, we unfortunately ended up taking a 0, 0, .75, 1% wage increase. This was communicated by the employer as a part of the PC Government wage freeze/mandate. These wage increases were later questioned by a Provincial Arbitrator who granted the Manitoba Government & General Employees Union (MGEU) as wage increases for the years we took zeros.

This round of bargaining, your committee decided to approach this differently. Knowing we were entering bargaining with the same management team at the table and being in an economic environment with 5-8% inflationary rates, we needed to ensure that you got a FAIR DEAL this time.

As you know, the employer opened this round of bargaining with an offer that was far below our modest expectations. Based on that, we felt that sharing that offer with you and requesting a strike mandate was necessary. We held information sessions that explained the process and based on the facts at the table, you gave us a 95.5% STRIKE MANDATE.

The hope was that your employer would see our new commitment and solidarity and offer you a FAIR CONTRACT. This has not taken place as the employer has only improved their offer minimally. Your Bargaining Committee will bring an offer to the membership when we feel it is fair and we can recommend acceptance.

It’s time that the Workers Compensation Board becomes a leader in compensating you fairly.

They ask you to be a leader for them:

In customer service – CHECK
Lower employer WCB premiums in Canada – CHECK
Massive surpluses (profits) to allow $277 million in Employer rebates – CHECK
A decrease in injuries in Manitoba with the assistance of Safe Work Manitoba – CHECK
A fair deal to recognize the hard-working members of CUPE 1063 – ?

Your Bargaining and Strike Committee will continue to update you in the days ahead.

In Solidarity,
Your CUPE 1063 Bargaining Committee