Bargaining Update – #10

As you were informed in Bargaining Update #9 last Friday, September 2, the Bargaining Committee will soon hold a series of information sessions. There will be four sessions held via Webex at the following times:

  • Wednesday September 14 at 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM
  • Thursday September 15 at 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM

The purpose of the sessions is to provide members with information about the key aspects of the employer’s most recent bargaining proposal, provide an opportunity to answer any questions you may have, and assist you in making an informed decision about what you think the next steps should be.

It is expected that a vote will be held in the days following these sessions so that the Bargaining Committee can proceed with clear direction from the membership.

Details of the voting process will be provided following the information sessions.

These meetings and the subsequent vote will be very important in shaping the current bargaining process and ultimately the provisions of the new Collective Agreement. We urge you to make every effort to attend.

Please keep an eye on your email over the coming days as further details including the meeting invitation link are provided.

In Solidarity, your Bargaining Committee

Rick Rennie
Colleen Ashby
Katelyn Maruca
Bob Sawchyn
Stefan Gudmundson
Stephen Terrichow-Parrott (CUPE National Rep)