Labour Relations Update #5

Labour/Management Relations #5

Your CUPE 1063 Executive hopes that all our members had a happy and safe holiday!In our last update, we identified some current challenges that your union is having that directly impacts you. They included:

·        “Contracting Out” in the Information Technology department (I.T).
·        Number of empty desks within the I.T. and Safe Work Departments.
·        Digital Modernization Program

There has been some movement in the above areas.

A grievance was heard by Human Resources in regards to CUPE 1063’s position that the employer has not followed Article 23.02 of the current collective agreement. As noted previously, the employer had disclosed 20+ contracted out positions within the I.T. department. They state that only four of those positions are work of the bargaining unit and that these contracted out positions were discussed with the union.

Unfortunately, the union does not have written confirmation of these discussions taking place.

In our discussion, it was agreed that the union and H/R will meet to discuss an improved communication plan for future contracting out positions. It was also agreed that a follow up meeting will take place with the V.P. of I.T. to discuss the numerous empty unionized positions within I.T. and a plan to fill these desks.

A meeting also took place with the V.P. of SAFE Work regarding the empty unionized positions in the department. They updated us on a new SAFE Work/RTW structure and advised us that those current empty desks will be filled. They also committed that up to two of those positions could be developmental positions.

Your entire CUPE 1063 Executive and CUPE National Representative met with members of the Management Executive committee that included:

·        Richard Deacon, President and CEO
·        Shannon Earle, V.P. of Human Resources
·        Dan Holland, V.P. of Compensation Services
·        Dave Kramer, V.P. of Safe Work Services
·        Merrilee Allan, Director of Human Resources

The meeting took place on December 14, 2023.

The main purpose of your union requesting this meeting was to have a face to face discussion on one of the main issues facing ALL our members.

Poor Morale!

Please click here to read a copy of your Union Executive’s opening statement from the December 14, 2023 labour meeting. This included our rational on why our member’s morale is at an all-time low. Please give it a read.

Unfortunately, the other side of the table seemed very surprised with these statements.

When we discussed the ending of the Member Engagement survey in 2017, they stated there were many reasons for this including the Covid-19 pandemic which commenced in 2020. They stated that they did plan to complete a Cultural Survey at some point in 2024.The Cultural Survey is noted in the November 30, 2022 WCB Board of Directors meeting minutes as they requested a copy of the results. It sounds that they will get around to it soon?

We discussed the effect that the recent collective agreement negotiations have had on our members given the fact that we experienced many firsts (strike approval and action).We reviewed with them some of the results of the 2023 CUPE 1063 Engagement Survey. They did not seem very interested in discussing the specific results but the V.P. of H/R stated that in her experience, unions liked to use the words “poor morale”. She asked for specific reasons for the poor morale.

Your union stated that it would be in their best interest to explore these issues for themselves but your union executive engaged in a spirited conversation regarding one of the numerous specific causes, specifically the Health & Safety of our members when dealing with external clients.   We advised the V.P. of H/R that we found it odd their executive was not aware of our member’s challenges as we were aware that most members discuss these issues with their direct supervisors. We assumed that this information made it up the communication chain.

Your union also discussed the negative impact that the unknowns regarding Digital Modernization were having on our members. We again requested that CUPE 1063 become an active partner in this process moving forward. At this point, we are not.The above meeting was difficult to have but your CUPE Executive felt it was in your best interest that your concerns be heard with the actual decision makers of this company.

As you are aware, there will be some changes to the management executive team in the near future. We hope these changes will open up new lines of communication between you and management so they fully understand the difficult work that you do and the challenges that you must overcome. And how successful you have made this company!

As for next steps, we agreed to continue with the Labour Management Committee meetings with meetings taking place at least quarterly. We also encouraged them to restart the use of an Engagement Survey every two years as prior Human Resource management had done.

The last thing I will leave you is the last message a member of your Executive left with management, “talk is a great start but action is what is needed.”

In Solidarity,

Your CUPE 1063 Executive Committee

Bob Sawchyn
Elizabeth Wheeler
Stefan Gudmundson
Chris Rerick
Blair Miller
Shauna Leduchowski-Hazlitt
Manjit Jassal
Daniel Cintrao
Sheldon Hummel
Shawn Trudell